On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 5:52 AM, Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Anthony Ferrara [mailto:ircmax...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 3:24 PM
>> To: franc...@php.net
>> Cc: Lester Caine; internals@lists.php.net
>> Subject: [PHP-DEV] Using Other Channels (was Scalar Type Declarations
>> v0.5)
>> Let me quote something that was said:
>> "Ze'ev and François have not-so-politely asked [Sara] to not put 0.4
>> forward
>> since they have something they believe they have consensus on."
> Anthony,
> Please stop this.  I have been in touch with Sara, yes, but it was
> absolutely and 100% polite, which I'm sure she'll confirm if you ask her.  I
> can't speak for François as I wasn't a part of whatever correspondence they
> had between them.
> And no, quoting someone else instead of you making that statement and
> doesn't make it any better.


You are smart enough to understand what has been said here.

We have seen off list discussions or pressures many times in the
pasts. I have (other too but I can only talk for myself) been said an
insane amount of times to stop private discussions, for anything
related to php core. There is no exception to this rule. I repeat:
There is NO exception to this rule.

This is what killed cooperation, it was what make PHPNG a bad thing to
begin with, no matter the promises it brought. While we got over it
and push it forward in the meantime, trying to stay positive.

The bad thing with the acceptance of it is that you may feel that what
has been done and how it has been done is all good. That the community
does not care. let me tell you, I do care. And many do. What happened
and is still happening damage the core communities around PHP.

Feel free to ignore this message, but that does not make any of the
recent events look better. And expect an open letter soon.


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