
> Secondly, for some reason you appear very opinionated that this will result
> in huge breakage, even though we don't yet have any evidence to suggest it'd
> be the case, at least not yet.

So I tried to compile the patch to get a real-world idea of the breaks.

The first thing, PHP's own phar generator included in the make file
fails due to the new restricted hints (based on the patch provided).
(I had to rebuild with --disable-phar to get it to build).

Let me make that perfectly clear: under these changes you cannot do a
default compile of PHP due to BC breaks.

Let's take a look at the numbers. I just ran a ./configure
--enable-mbstring --disable-phar --enable-debug, and got the following
test results:

Number of tests : 13653              9008
Tests skipped   : 4645 ( 34.0%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :  697 (  5.1%) (  7.7%)
Expected fail   :   32 (  0.2%) (  0.4%)
Tests passed    : 8279 ( 60.6%) ( 91.9%)
Time taken      :  954 seconds

7.7% of the internal test suite is extremely significant. That's just
short of 700 tests on a reasonably default install.

So I recompiled with a bunch more extensions:

Number of tests : 13716             10343
Tests failed    :  811 (  5.9%) (  7.8%)

And that's for PHP's suite. What about for the hundreds of millions of
lines of code of untested apps out there?

I tried running Symfony 2's test suite, but couldn't. Because:

$ ../php-src/sapi/cli/php vendor/bin/phpunit

Warning: debug_backtrace() expects parameter 1 to be integer, boolean
given in Symfony2/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/ErrorHandler.php on
line 58

Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in
Symfony2/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/ErrorHandler.php on line 59

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
Symfony2/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/ErrorHandler.php on line 61

Fatal error: Uncaught strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, boolean given


  thrown in Symfony2/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestSuite.php
on line 871

So yeah, to say "major BC issues" is the literal definition of an

> Thirdly, there are major reasons to upgrade to PHP 7, and we'd hopefully
> have some major reasons for people to upgrade for 8.  There are going to be
> substantial carrots next to that breakage stick.

Yes, and if we can avoid giving people breaks they can't trivially
avoid (via a "compatibility checker" script, like minor syntax
changes), then we're just making an artificial barrier for the sake of

Rather than incentivizing the pain, why not avoid it?

> Last, you appear to represent the 'can't be bothered' crowd, which I agree,
> is fairly large.  But that crowd typically just doesn't upgrade, unless
> something or someone twists their arm.  They don't upgrade even when there's
> no or very little compatibility breakage.  That's why 5.3 is still so
> popular, and 5.2 isn't rare to find.  Let alone 5.4.
> We have a track record that suggests that compatibility breakage slows
> adoption down, but it does not kill it as you suggest.
>> But they will not upgrade their code to PHP 7.1 or 8 then.
> Sooner or later they'd have to, if they want to maintain security.  If they
> don't - it will not be the first time in history that people are negligent
> about their deployment (as the fact there are so many 5.2/5.3 deployments
> still out there proves), nothing unique for 7/7.1.

Sure there is. We can make it easier for people. We can make their
experience with 7 significantly easier than 5.2. We can remove the
stigma and the fear associated with upgrading. We've been doing that
since 5.4. Smaller, easier and less painful breaks when they do exist.
Why not continue that?

>> Ok, lets say 4-5 years. Given the lagging adoption of PHP major versions,
>> double this situation to 8-10 years in the wild.
> I do believe a 2-3 timeline for 8 (from when 7 is released) is a lot more
> likely than 4-5.
> The last time we had a major version was, as you know, 11 years ago.  We
> can't deduce anything about adoption numbers from what we had back then.
> We're also on a much more aggressive timeline nowadays, with support for
> each version stopping 3 years from when it gets initially released.  At
> least based on what I'm seeing, adoption cycles appear to be significantly
> shorter than they used to be (1-3 years, not 4-5).

I fully agree with you here. And if we take that stance, then each
major should get "lighter" in terms of what it breaks. To spur people
to take the latest at all times, because they know it's stable and a
minimal amount of pain.

> Of course, much like there are still users of 5.3, we're likely to have
> users of 7.0 even in 2025.  That's not the point, and shouldn't play a role
> in the decision - it'd happen regardless.

I think it absolutely plays a role in the decision. We should be
making lives easier for our users, not making more work. Especially
for the class of user that doesn't stay up to date.

> Obviously not, but then, no RFC author that introduced breakage into PHP
> ever did, and there has been a lot of that going on, also in 7.0.  I'm

Hang on a second. All of the breaks that have gone into 7.0 were of
two classes up until now:

1. Those that were using deprecated functionality already
2. Those that are 100% statically fixable.

You can write a "migration tool" to automatically fix the BC breaks in
Nikita's patch. And in the PHP4 constructors patch. And in the
reserved types patch. Together they are minor (with the exception of
the php4 constructors patch don't affect a lot of production code),
but they are also 100% statically fixable.

This break is fundamentally different. It's by definition not
statically fixable (at least without injecting casts everywhere, which
is exactly the point of the patch, no?). So it's going to require a
person physically fixing bugs (easier if there's a comprehensive test
suite, really not easy if it's manual testing).



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