On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 6:08 PM, Bob Weinand <bobw...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Am 27.02.2015 um 07:53 schrieb Xinchen Hui <larue...@gmail.com>:
> Hey:
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Xinchen Hui <larue...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Internals:
>      I was looking Bob's switch optimization..
> And, I am not against this switch optimization..
> I referring it to show where is my concerns came from
> thanks
>      then I start to worry about where is the place optimization should
> goes..
>      in generally, PHP is a  interpreted language. IMO, it should
> compiler the PHP codes to opcode without any optimization(of course,
> we did some, but they won't change a lots of opcodes which should be
> generated)..
>      and, since 5.5, we already have opcache bundled in..
>      thus, I am proposing a principle, that is:
>      in the future, we only do optimization in opcache side, and keep
> Zend Compiler without any optimization... considering Zend Compiler do
> things in -O0.
>      since, optimization always are dangerous.. if we only do them in
> opcache, user can still run them codes with disable opcache, or at
> least disable some optimization level which cause that..
>      what do you think?
> thanks
> --
> Xinchen Hui
> @Laruence
> http://www.laruence.com/
> --
> Xinchen Hui
> @Laruence
> http://www.laruence.com/
> Hmm. I'm not sure, but do we really want to have the optimizations
> depending on opcache?

The big practical problem. That without opcache optimizations are executed
on each request.
This means that they may require more time to work, than the gain from
bytecode improvement.

> I'd rather shift to slowly adding the optimizations into Zend/, in
> separate compiler steps you can (like in opcache too) enable and disable.
> It's actually a bit weird to have to include opcache just for its
> optimizations. Opcache should do what its name says: the sole task of
> caching the op_arrays.
> We need to change an extension for nearly every little change in Zend/.
> That shouldn't be the case either.

Yes. Opcache is extremely depends on engine. Moving optimizer from opcache
to ZE may be a good idea.
Technically it's possible, but I'm not sure when and how it should be done.
I think optimizer need to be refactored as well, but this is only for 7.1

> But just to say, it's not only a minor optimization, in a real world
> stateful parser it makes a difference of a few percent.
> And also, this optimization only adds a ZEND_SWITCH opcode, nothing more.
> (except in case we can determine at compile-time where the switch land,
> then it will be optimized out to a simple JMP)

Your ZEND_SWITCH optimization makes sense.

Unfortunately, implementation is a bit messy (not intuitive).
The biggest problem that it doesn't fit with existing Optimizer.
For now I don't know how to change Control Flow Graph representation and
corresponding pass to support ZEND_SWITCH.

Thanks. Dmitry.

> Bob

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