I really don't think that you want us to be going down the
"Republican/Democrat Redistricting" game Maciej, not during an active
vote at least.   Attempting to 'help one side win' by deciding that some
people's votes on the side that you are not for ... should just be

Is not the way to attempt to 'win' a vote.


On 3/13/15 2:04 PM, Maciej Sobaczewski wrote:
> Currently Scalar Type Declarations are going to fall. We have 33 No
> votes and I really wonder why there is almost no justification for
> them. I know that it's not required, but it is a matter of good taste
> in whole voting proces.
> I think (and I do really hope) that some of those 33 votes came from
> misunderstanding of the proposal. Why don't we try to minify the
> number of doubts.
> Also, I'd like to ask about the way these accounts are allowed to
> vote, according to our rules:
> https://people.php.net/user.php?username=olemarkus
> https://people.php.net/user.php?username=brianlmoon
> https://people.php.net/user.php?username=dom
> No Karma makes me feel it's right thing to raise this question. Are
> they " Representatives from the PHP community, that will be chosen by
> those with php.net SVN accounts"?
> Best regards,
> Maciej.

|   Eli White   |   http://eliw.com/   |   Twitter: EliW   |

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