On Fri, 13 Mar 2015, Arvids Godjuks wrote:

> At this point I have only swearing words for the proposing persons and 
> supporters.

Certainly *that* is going to help?

> It's magic_quotes and register_globals all over again, but this time 
> you can't fix it with some PHP code.

It is not even close to equivalent. As those options are php.ini 
settings. There is nothing, absolutely *nothing*, that will change if 
you, as an author of a PHP file, does not use typehints in that file.

If a dev turns a file that he or she wrote into strict mode, then that 
only counts for that specific file. If you take over some code, then you 
can remove the declare line. *none* of those things you'd be able to do 
with ini settings. So don't shout out that nonsense FUD.

> You really had to fuck it all up for us, the userland developers, 
> didn't you?
> Sorry, but I now question the wisdom and sanity of most new PHP folks.
> Because the old once see the danger and vote "no". And everyone just thinks
> they act up. Well, you wrong. I will nit be surprised if they just leave
> the project for good after this.

Yes, because of people like you swearing at them.


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