
>> - Up until the first release candidate of x.y.0, small features can be
> added to both the most recent live branch and the new branch being
> prepared for release (so, right now, 5.6.x and 7.0-pre; next summer,
> 7.0.x and 7.1-pre).
>> - Once a new x.y.0 release is ready, x.y-1.z releases should receive
> bug fixes only. Thus 5.5.x should not be receiving features.
>> - As an exception to the above, when releasing x.0.0, the previous
> branch may continue receiving small features, until it reaches the end
> of its "active support" phase. In other words, keep backporting things
> to 5.6.x after 7.0.0 is released, since adoption of the latter is likely
> to be slow. By the time 7.1.0 comes around, active support for 5.6 will
> have ended anyway, unless we make some other exception to the normal
> process.

This looks like a reasonable compromise.

Stas Malyshev

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