Hi all,

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Yasuo Ohgaki <yohg...@ohgaki.net> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Juan Basso <jrba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Did you test the performance impact on strings? Since you changed how it
>> works the impact can be positive and maybe worth to make the method more
>> broad.
> It's a bit slower (~3%) for 'abc' as input string. If I remove redundant
> type
> check(convert_to_string), it's better though. ~3% seems too large for 2
> additional if statements - parameter type check. I'll look into.
> [yohgaki@dev github-php-src]$ cat b.php
> <?php
> const LOOP=100000000;
> $start = microtime(true);
> for ($i = 0; $i < LOOP; $i++) {
> }
> $loop_time = microtime(true) - $start;
> $start = microtime(true);
> for ($i = 0; $i < LOOP; $i++) {
> htmlspecialchars('abc');
> }
> echo 'Time: '.(microtime(true) - $start - $loop_time)."\n";
> [yohgaki@dev github-php-src]$ ./php.old b.php
> Time: 4.4925589561462
> [yohgaki@dev github-php-src]$ ./php.old b.php
> Time: 4.4821939468384
> [yohgaki@dev github-php-src]$ ./php.new b.php
> Time: 4.5892491340637
> [yohgaki@dev github-php-src]$ ./php.new b.php
> Time: 4.6097931861877

Followings are better approximation. New code is a bit slower even if it's
benchmark error range. ~1% - ~3% slower for strings while it's much faster
(~70% or more. This case is more than 100%) for integers depending on
integer size. Since integer/float is much faster, only a few presence of
negates negative impact.

As you can see, loop only benchmark varies a lot.
I also counted total number of CPU instructions by perf. It varies too.
However, new code is a bit slower for sure even if there is only 2 "if"
for strings. I was expecting use of raw zval negates this...

I would like to apply similar change to most string escape/conversion
(Please note that subject is "escape and conversion" function only)
Current patch allows "resource" type, but it should raise type error.

Comments are appreciated.
Sorry for flood of mails.


[yohgaki@dev github-php-src]$ ./php.old b.php
Loop time
Loop: 0.08224892616272
Loop: 0.08589506149292
Loop: 0.087536096572876
Loop: 0.082170963287354
Loop: 0.082328081130981
Loop: 0.081686019897461
Loop: 0.087927103042603
Loop: 0.081233024597168
Loop: 0.082290887832642
Loop: 0.081492900848389
Loop: 0.081452131271362
Loop: 0.081291913986206
Loop Avg: 0.08220899105072
Escaping string abcdefgh
Time: 0.6288548707962
Time: 0.61239206790924
Time: 0.6169821023941
Time: 0.61680710315704
Time: 0.60974395275116
Time: 0.61229383945465
Time: 0.61705410480499
Time: 0.61985099315643
Time: 0.61954915523529
Time: 0.62286603450775
Time: 0.62001097202301
Time: 0.6216961145401
Time Avg: 0.6166380405426
Escaping integer 12345678
Time: 0.98103010654449
Time: 0.97324693202972
Time: 0.96535289287567
Time: 0.962033867836
Time: 0.95926511287689
Time: 0.9667671918869
Time: 0.96851003170013
Time: 0.96103513240814
Time: 0.96122300624847
Time: 0.95892608165741
Time: 0.96553599834442
Time: 0.96350586414337
Time Avg: 0.96321551799774

[yohgaki@dev github-php-src]$ ./php.new b.php
Loop time
Loop: 0.082480907440186
Loop: 0.081701993942261
Loop: 0.081080913543701
Loop: 0.080965042114258
Loop: 0.081230163574219
Loop: 0.08064603805542
Loop: 0.081595897674561
Loop: 0.081001043319702
Loop: 0.080890893936157
Loop: 0.084527969360352
Loop: 0.082308053970337
Loop: 0.081248998641968
Loop Avg: 0.081266903877258
Escaping string abcdefgh
Time: 0.62283012866974
Time: 0.62788126468658
Time: 0.63206312656403
Time: 0.62420103549957
Time: 0.62370917797089
Time: 0.62745521068573
Time: 0.626731133461
Time: 0.68132016658783
Time: 0.62430212497711
Time: 0.63127825260162
Time: 0.63222811222076
Time: 0.62956402301788
Time Avg: 0.62700154781342
Escaping integer 12345678
Time: 0.41526029109955
Time: 0.41403410434723
Time: 0.41262814998627
Time: 0.41230318546295
Time: 0.41555306911469
Time: 0.40698001384735
Time: 0.41639611721039
Time: 0.41320106983185
Time: 0.41369721889496
Time: 0.42157099246979
Time: 0.42368505001068
Time: 0.42184422016144
Time Avg: 0.4141624212265

[yohgaki@dev github-php-src]$ cat b.php
const LOOP=10000000;
const ITER=12;

echo "Loop time\n";
$t = [];
for ($n = 0; $n < ITER; $n++) {
$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < LOOP; $i++) {
$loop_time = microtime(true) - $start;
echo 'Loop: '.$loop_time."\n";
$t[] = $loop_time;
// Remove max for better approximation
unset($t[array_search(max($t), $t)]);
unset($t[array_search(max($t), $t)]);
$loop_time = array_sum($t)/(ITER-2);
echo "Loop Avg: ${loop_time}\n";

$s = 'abcdefgh';
echo "Escaping string ${s}\n";
$t = [];
for ($n = 0; $n < ITER; $n++) {
$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < LOOP; $i++) {
$time = (microtime(true) - $start - $loop_time);
echo "Time: ${time}\n";
$t[] = $time;
// Remove max for better approximation
unset($t[array_search(max($t), $t)]);
unset($t[array_search(max($t), $t)]);
$time = array_sum($t)/(ITER-2);
echo "Time Avg: ${time}\n";

$s = 12345678;
echo "Escaping integer ${s}\n";
$t = [];
for ($n = 0; $n < ITER; $n++) {
$start = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < LOOP; $i++) {
$time = (microtime(true) - $start - $loop_time);
echo "Time: ${time}\n";
$t[] = $time;
// Remove max for better approximation
unset($t[array_search(max($t), $t)]);
unset($t[array_search(max($t), $t)]);
$time = array_sum($t)/(ITER-2);
echo "Time Avg: ${time}\n";

Yasuo Ohgaki

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