Hi Lester,

On 13 July 2015 at 11:36, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:

> On 13/07/15 08:49, Pierre Joye wrote:
> >> No, not "just" my IDE can work. IDE is just the side effect. Proper
> >> > documentation does much more than that.
> > It seems to go off topic. Docblocks are only slightly related to this
> > thread. The same could be said about annotation (which are widely used
> too).
> Coming from a background of 'traditional' php design, all of my code and
> the libraries I use are documented via phpdoc style annotation which the
> IDE picks up, and phpdocumentor1 produced a good API description. This
> was also a GOOD basis to tidy up the various changes through PHP5.x
> Today much of the infrastructure to make that work is broken and
> http://lsces.org.uk/wiki/bitweaver+documentation is a starting point at
> getting the material all up to date. The original documentation had a
> few errors on the log file, but http://lsces.org.uk/bwdocs2/index.html
> is the version I've been working on and is listing 3300 errors in the
> documentation! The next step is to work out how to address those errors,
> but once again that is unproductive work so perhaps fixing the problems
> with the older V1 documenter may be a better use of time? The rules
> phpdocumenter2 follow seem far adrift from the original 'standard'. So
> it WOULD be nice if there was an approved standard rather than these
> seeming to be subject to different interpretation all the time.
> This before addressing the problems of PHP7 migration ...
Please refer to https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/pull/169


Marco Pivetta



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