> On 24 Jul 2015, at 2:33 am, "S.A.N" <ua.san.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-07-23 18:10 GMT+03:00 Marcio Almada <marcio.w...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi, you replied to the wrong thread ;)
>> 2015-07-22 19:38 GMT-03:00 S.A.N <ua.san.a...@gmail.com>:
>>> I am satisfied, the possibility of group declarations, but the that lack:
>>> <?php
>>> use App\RestException\   // name "RestException", not imported to
>>> current namespace :(
>>> {
>>>    Gone,
>>>    NotFound,
>>>    BadRequest
>>> };
>>> ?>
>>> Unfortunately have to write so:
>>> <?php
>>> use App\RestException;
>>> use App\RestException\{Gone, NotFound, BadRequest};
>>> ?>
>>> It looks ugly and very strange.
>> There is nothing strange on it (except, possibly, the trailing `\`
>> which was discussed to death and voted).
>> Even if we had no trailing '\' it wouldn't make any sense to import
>> "App\RestException" when "use App\RestException{Gone, NotFound,
>> BadRequest};" is used.
>>> My proposition, the imported end name, if end of without slash.
>>> Like this:
>>> <?php
>>> use App\RestException
>>> {
>>>    Gone,
>>>    NotFound,
>>>    BadRequest
>>> };
>>> echo RestException::class; // App\RestException
>>> ?>
>> Importing from within a namespace is not the same thing as importing a
>> class. I'd be against it.
>> My 2 cents: why do you have "RestException" with "Exception" suffix
>> and then don't have the same suffix on the other exception names? This
>> unpredictable exception hierarchy is the "ugly" part and subtle
>> alternative syntax won't make it better, IMMO.
>> Marcio
> RestException is the base class for classes Gone, NotFound, BadRequest...
> He needed to catch all RestExceptions class.
> We do not use suffixes for names of exception classes, simple clear
> named classes of exceptions, this is our agreement.
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Then why not put the base class in the namespace of which it is a base class 


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