Hi Yasuo

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Yasuo Ohgaki <yohg...@ohgaki.net> wrote:

> Get JSON data from Google maps and store the data using PHP, then
> users lose last 2 digits of fraction part by default. The value is changed
> and wrong. This is definitely a bug.
I don't really get why you use Google maps as an example. Do you actually
know what's the difference between two distances that differs after
rounding with precision 14?

I just tried it on
http://www.ig.utexas.edu/outreach/googleearth/latlong.html and set

Lat 1: 51.602097123457   ; Long 1:  -0.120667
Lat 2: 51.602097123458   ; Long 2:  -0.120667

The difference is 1.114e-10 km which is 0.0001114 millimetres. Are you
actually serious about that? :)

> We can write
> $old = ini_set('precision', 17);
> json_encode($var);
> ini_set('precision', $old);

You can set it once in your ini file if you need such precision.

> everywhere to workaround this problem.
> Question is "Is this the way it should be?".
I have already said that using precision ini wasn't the best idea. However
json_encode is not the same as serialize and we should not ever change its
output in a bug fixing release. Doing that could cause also other issues as
this is a BC break. Lets imagine that someone set low precision on purpose
just to limit precision and save some space when transferring data . If you
change it, then it's screwed up because it will use different ini. We don't
know what people do in their code and we should not break it. As I said
this is not a bug but we could consider changing that if the RFC proposing
such change passes.



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