Hi Jakub,

For me, JSON is one of a data exchange format just like
Anyway, we are about to reach an agreement.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 5:32 PM, Jakub Zelenka <bu...@php.net> wrote:

>>>> Question is "Is this the way it should be?".
>>> I have already said that using precision ini wasn't the best idea.
>>> However json_encode is not the same as serialize and we should not ever
>>> change its output in a bug fixing release. Doing that could cause also
>>> other issues as this is a BC break. Lets imagine that someone set low
>>> precision on purpose just to limit precision and save some space
>> I've been fixed var_export precision issue as a bug.
>> [yohgaki@dev php-src]$ git show 3cf2682083fc1c8635b02c4c
>> commit 3cf2682083fc1c8635b02c4cf77bdf12c5e5da35
>> Merge: 5c89d5a 4c45e95
>> Author: Yasuo Ohgaki <yohg...@php.net>
>> Date:   Tue Oct 29 17:30:58 2013 +0900
>>     Merge branch 'PHP-5.5'
>>     * PHP-5.5:
>>       Fixed Bug 64760 var_export() does not use full precision for
>> floating-point numbers
> Again it's not the same. json_encode is much more used the var_export IMHO
> so the chance that you break someone's code is much bigger. Also it doesn't
> mean that you did the right thing and it's not a precedence for such change
> in json. I guess that there wasn't anyone who would disagree with you at
> that time.

I agree that JSON is used more than var_export or even serialize.

I guess almost all users do not care much about preciseness of JSON numeric.
I was the one also until I had to deal with float values. Since almost
nobody cares
about preciseness, why not make it more precise?

I may ask general list see if there are users who mind this change.

>> Although I don't strongly insist merging fix to 5.6 branch, I think data
>> exchange function
>> that is not trying to be precise is bad thing.
>>> when transferring data . If you change it, then it's screwed up because
>>> it will use different ini. We don't know what people do in their code and
>>> we should not break it. As I said this is not a bug but we could consider
>>> changing that if the RFC proposing such change passes.
>> Strong json numeric validator may have problem with the change. However,
>> JSON RFC states
>> 6.  Numbers
>>  This specification allows implementations to set limits on the range
>>    and precision of numbers accepted.  Since software that implements
>>    IEEE 754-2008 binary64 (double precision) numbers [IEEE754] is
>>    generally available and widely used, good interoperability can be
>>    achieved by implementations that expect no more precision or range
>>    than these provide, in the sense that implementations will
>>    approximate JSON numbers within the expected precision.  A JSON
>>    number such as 1E400 or 3.141592653589793238462643383279 may indicate
>>    potential interoperability problems, since it suggests that the
>>    software that created it expects receiving software to have greater
>>    capabilities for numeric magnitude and precision than is widely
>>    available.
>>    Note that when such software is used, numbers that are integers and
>>    are in the range [-(2**53)+1, (2**53)-1] are interoperable in the
>>    sense that implementations will agree exactly on their numeric
>>    values.
>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159
>> In order PHP to be more compatible, we should use IEEE 754 range or
>> our other data exchange standard, which is serialize_precision=17.
> We are still compatible. This is recommendation, not requirement. However
> I have to agree that it will be probably good idea to change default. But
> just only if agreed in RFC as this is not a bug! Personally I am against
> changing that to serialize_precision. I'd much prefer introducing new ini
> (e.g. json_precision) with the same default as serialize_precision. It
> would give more flexibility and allow changing value just for json.

I agree that it is implementation matter how "JSON number" is treated.
Since PHP is
general programming language, I think it's better to make it as generic as
by default.

It's perfectly OK for me to have json_precision. I prefer to have it indeed!

My position is
>>  - PHP7.0: We must use serialize_precision for JSON
>>  - PHP5.6: I strongly suggest to use serialize_precision for JSON
> I'd prefer 7.1 as this is not something that would be so urgent.

I guess your reason to postpone the change is "json_precision".
This could be done by 7.0 as the resolution requires a trivial change to

I don't see reasons not to fix this issue for 5.6 if "serialize_precision"
is used.

As you see we don't agree here. It means that if you want to get it in,
> please write RFC. You can add the version option as I did it for json
> numeric to string RFC and you will see if others agree with you that this
> is a bug.

No problem. I'll start RFC discussion shortly.

BTW, please don't care if this is a bug or not. We have lots of issues to be
resolved. Let's concentrate resolving issues.


Yasuo Ohgaki

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