Den 2015-09-22 kl. 03:59, skrev Bob Weinand:

Thanks for all your feedback in the discussion thread!

So, before I start the vote, just two quick notes:
I've added two notes about the statement syntax and the single variable use.
Though a few people complained, I'm not switching to the ==> operator, as I 
noticed many people expected typehints to work (they don't due to parser 
limitations) when they compared to Hack's short Closures. It also allows us to 
differ syntax-wise [e.g. for typehints] from Hack without causing any confusion 
later. Which should be the smartest choice: Avoid conflicts. (If anyone strongly 
feels against that, he may vote no, but I would like to not bikeshed that in this 
Vote thread, but leave it free for eventual actual issues.)

Now, the link to the RFC about Short Closures:
or straight ahead to the vote:

Regarding parenthesis for one parameter I think they should always
be there, because:
- More consistent, not necessary to always go the path of others ;)
- Simpler for the end-user and readers of code
- Also came to mind that while we always use parenthesis when we
  call a function irrelevant of how many parameters, here we have a
  case with one parameter, not using parenthesis for defining it...

Regards //Björn

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