On Nov 24, 2015 12:28 PM, "Stanislav Malyshev" <smalys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> > It can't wait for 7.0.1, because banning this would be a
> > backwards-compatibility break with 7.0.0. We have to fix it in 7.0.0 or
> > not fix it ever.
> In theory, yes. In practice, if somebody starts using 7.0.0 and
> immediately jumps to using \int, I don't feel too bad for breaking that
> code. We can put a note in release notes for this is needed. But the
> risk of changing syntax parts on the brink of GA IMHO is much larger
> than the risk of somebody using \int in 7.0.0 and getting breakage in
> 7.0.1. Especially if it's clearly described as a bug we intend to fix.


Isn't it quite worse to fix this in a patch release than to fix it prior to
GA? If something like this breaks prior to GA, that's tolerated. People
have been warned not to use pre-release versions of PHP7 in production.
Once 7.0.0 is out, people expect stability. If something breaks between
patch releases, even an undocumented behavior like this, it makes PHP look
bad. Even if you call this change a bug fix, there's no reason not to put
it in now, since isn't the purpose of the RCs to fix as many bugs as
possible before GA?

Josh Holmer

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