On 1/4/16 4:45 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
> Looks to me like solution in search of a problem. I'm with PHP project
> since 90s, and maybe it is my biased view

As someone who originally was hesitant to do something similar with his
conferences.  I can speak that the reason for such a proposal is not
"because we have a problem".

It's a pro-active step, which makes it clear to people who are not a
part of our community at the moment, when they happen to approach our
community, and perhaps, are interested/intrigued about joining it.  That
yes, it will be a safe environment for them to do so.

Without such a statement.  They would have no way to determine that,
other than reading 10 years worth of internals+reddit+etc.

To that end, it's a great step, and I will +1 vote for it when it comes
up.   Thanks for putting it forward Anthony.


|   Eli White   |   http://eliw.com/   |   Twitter: EliW   |

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