And I'll repeat..

If you want to write that code of conduct, please, feel free to actually
publish an outline code of conduct here, right now, and I and everyone else
will be happy to review it.  Because as it stands now, all I hear (read) is
arguing and complaining, but you've yet to offer an actual draft (solution).

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 10:50 AM, James Gilliland <>

> I'm pretty sure everyone here has ignored emails before. A CoC is pretty
> darn important(in my opinion) but if you've decided the discussion isn't
> useful to you, just add a filter or just don't open the emails. Its not
> that hard.
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 8:52 AM John Bafford <> wrote:
>> Adam, Sascha,
>> > On Jan 13, 2016, at 08:53, Adam Howard <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Well, I'm glad someone is in agreement.  I really wish we'd get back to
>> the actual code.  Because if not, I do think perhaps PHP Internals as
>> outlived the email format and should migrate to a forum format.  I think I
>> and many others did not subscribe to a mailing list for this type of
>> argument and at this point it is becoming hard to follow, assume you were
>> interested in it.
>> >
>> > This little link to unsubscribe is the
>> last report, but if this all we're going to keep arguing about, it sure
>> isn't going to encourage newbies, let alone long-timers such as myself.
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 1:26 AM, Sascha Schumann <
>>> wrote:
>> > > On January 12, 2016 at 7:05 PM Adam Howard <>
>> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Can we please move on past this and get back to actual code.  Because
>> if
>> > > not, perhaps PHP Internals has outgrown the email format and should
>> migrate
>> > > to a forum type format.
>> >
>> > Agreed.
>> This is almost exactly the point I was trying to make.
>> There is a serious problem with the conversation on internals, and the
>> immediate reaction is, “there’s no problem, this is a distraction, stop
>> talking about this and talk about something else”.
>> Even if you didn’t *mean* that, that’s what was heard.
>> In one email, and one “me too” follow-up you’ve:
>> * attempted to silence an important discussion
>> * suggested that that the opinion held (and François’ question) is not
>> worthy of discussion
>> * distracted the discussion with an unusable suggestion [* see below]
>> * provided nothing constructive to help actually solve the problem
>> * reinforced the notion that nothing is wrong and everything is fine.
>> THIS is toxic internals.
>> Let me elaborate on the third point, particularly the distracted and
>> unusable bits:
>> You make the assertion that this conversation is an indication that
>> php-internals has outgrown email and should migrate platforms. And you
>> propose an alternative.
>> But you don’t explain *why* you think that this conversation has outgrown
>> email, and even more importantly, you don’t you don’t actually explain
>> *why* a forum format would be an improvement.
>> I’m not saying that a forum *couldn’t* be an improvement. But without you
>> giving any supporting argument, you’ve given nothing concrete that anyone
>> can have a discussion about. It’s not actively helping to solve the
>> problem. It’s just more noise that serves to make people think their
>> comments don’t matter. (For the record: I don’t like forums. And I really
>> don’t see how forums would solve the culture problem. But me saying that,
>> and only that, is just as constructive as you saying only that we should
>> switch to one.)
>> So, your suggestion is unusable, because it provides nothing constructive
>> or actionable; and it is a distraction because the platform we use to talk
>> is *entirely* irrelevant to how people hold conversations on that platform,
>> and rather than discussing the problem, you try to talk about something
>> completely unrelated instead.
>> I didn’t sign up for internals looking to deal with this either. But
>> there is a problem, and it is keeping me from actually contributing code.
>> And I’ve been sitting on the sidelines here for a *long* time. I’m trying
>> to make it so that newbies feel welcome to contribute. I’m trying to make
>> it so that the old-timers who have reduced their participation feel like
>> they can come back and be productive again.
>> I would *love* to talk about code now. I wish we didn’t have to talk
>> about this. But silencing the conversation and wishing the problem away
>> doesn’t fix the the giant elephpant in the room. It just *makes it worse*.
>> -John
>> --
>> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
>> To unsubscribe, visit:

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