Sara Golemon wrote:

Let's make RFCs more useful before AND after voting!

I would hope
it would effect the discussion for the positive as opinions wouldn't
need to be restated over and over again, and when it comes times to
vote, those doing the voting could refresh their feelings on each

+1 I'm a big fan of summarising and synthesising discussions. Mailing list archives may be particularly fiddly, but even the best forum software can't fix the fact that conversations ramble and repeat and take a long time to re-read.

It might be worth having a few quick guidelines (without getting too lawyerly) - encourage bulleted lists, or paragraphs of 2 sentences at most; link to mailing archives where particularly key points or examples were raised. If it's kept as a quick "primer" on the main arguments, then there's less temptation to repeat the actual debate in competing comments on the page.

I'm also not sure about the name; I'm not sure who the "second party" is for these to be "third-party", and "argument" has unfortunate connotations, even though they're not meant here. Perhaps just "Points raised during discussion"?

Now to register a wiki account, so I can add some "3rd-party arguments" to the "3rd-party editing" RFC... ;)


Rowan Collins

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