On 6/17/2016 7:18 PM, Christoph Becker wrote:
> Consequently, we should remove rot13() as well, see
> <http://news.php.net/php.notes/205744>.  And we shouldn't stop there as
> include(_once), require(_once), file_get_contents() and readfile() bear
> the risk of file inclusion vulnerabilities … ;)
> In my opinion, our job when designing the language and the core
> libraries is not to avoid (or remove) features that can be used to
> produce insecure software, but rather to offer additional features that
> make it easier to produce secure software, and to document potential
> issues and hint at better alternatives.  random_*() is such an addition,
> and I don't see an urgent need to get rid of (mt_)rand().

Reminds me of https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/32670

Again, our (mt_)rand() functions are not portable, not standards
compliant, slow, outdated, and dangerous for crypto. There was not a
single argument why we should keep them.

Fixing = BC

Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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