On 8/9/2016 7:44 PM, Rasmus Schultz wrote:
> Well, no - there is still the issue of file names and paths becoming a
> dependency, besides issue of having to locate the file in the first
> place.
> So there is still very much a purpose to this.
> Importing all classes with use-statements is good practice anyhow, and
> - it forces you to document at the top of your file which elements
> you're referencing outside of the local namespace. Of course, that's
> opinion, but it's a common opinion - you don't see too much code in
> the wild with inline qualified class references, most everyone has a
> leading set of use-statements in every file.
> Actually, now that I think of it, for that reason, I might actually be
> okay with only qualified references triggering auto-loading after all
> - this would never become an issue at all, because I'd qualify
> everything with use-statements anyhow.
> Though I do think it would be somewhat easier to *explain* this
> feature, if it was simply triggered by the use-statement, not by the
> circumstance of whether the name is or isn't qualified, because it's
> not always obvious from looking at the code - you'd have to look at
> the use-statements first and then correlate those with function-calls
> and figure it out, every time you look at a file. That mental overhead
> is eliminated by just having the use-statement trigger auto-loading.
> Also, come to think of it, triggering the auto-loader could still be
> deferred, for performance reasons, even if the use-statement is what
> triggers is - so it wouldn't aggressively trigger the auto-loader when
> the use-statement is encountered, but rather the first time the a
> function imported with a use-statement is called. That would be more
> consistent with how class resolution works.
> I think maybe this could work after all??

Having the use statement trigger the auto-loader would result in a lot
of broken code because of optional dependencies (remember the examples I
showed you in the annotation thread).

An alternative approach could be to auto-load only namespaced things and
leave non-namespaced stuff alone. This is in line with PSR-4 (rule 2.1)
and easily implemented if the namespace refactoring into a struct is
performed without any major additional performance hit.

Note that it is trivial to support a flag in the new namespace struct
for C defined namespaced functionality to circumvent the auto-loader.
The introduction of the new namespace struct would require changes to
every bit of PHP C code out there anyways.

Of course this would also mean that the whole story would become a PHP 8

This would make it even more painful for users to define anything in the
global namespace; a good thing.

It would however encourage people to prefix their stuff inline with a
backslash, otherwise you end up with an endless use chain for every
built-in feature which is not nice. That being said, it's required
anyways if we are really going to introduce namespaces for everything
within PHP (e.g. `use function php\random_bytes;`). Something I still
think is a bad idea at least for procedural first-level functions.

Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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