Since some folks keep banging on "it's not a BC break", I propose a
challenge in fixing this particular BC break example (reads: find a
different way to make it work, and no warnings/notices allowed):

I made a very simplistic example of where `__toArray` will break existing
API that currently literally accepts any kind of object:

For reference, here's the code copy:


class Foo
    public $bar;
    public $baz;
    public $taz;

// please note that this API has a signature of `object $object` - any
object allowed.
function unsetProperties($object) {
    // we ignore inheritance and private properties for simplicity
    return array_diff(
            function (\ReflectionProperty $p) : string {
                return $p->getName();
            (new ReflectionClass($object))->getProperties()
        array_keys((array) $object)

var_dump(unsetProperties(new Foo));

$foo = new Foo;



There are dozens of simpler examples that break (typically, data-mapper
layers): I picked this particular one because there is no other way to
detect unset properties without causing side-effects.

If `__toArray` is implemented on an object, the API defined above will
either report all properties to be unset, or in general produce unreliable

The current API specification of the `(array)` operator is as following:

 * for every SET property produce an array value, with the key being:
    * "\0" . $className . "\0" . $propertyName for private properties
    * "\0*\0" . $propertyName for protected properties
    * $propertyName for public properties
    * $propertyName for dynamically defined properties

This is a **VERY SPECIFIC** behavior that the operator currently
guarantees. Break that, and you can go on github hunting for `(array)` cast

The behavior was frozen in the current suite in
array_conversion_keys.phpt (although, now that I notice, doesn't cover
dynamically defined properties - should add that).

Marco Pivetta

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