On 4/25/2017 5:56 PM, Sara Golemon wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 9:00 PM, Michał Brzuchalski
> <michal.brzuchal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I agree with Stanislav. IMHO argument types are valueable when are
>> reflective by reflection and curl_setopt has no valuable info by reflection
>> and will never be. Curl implementation also uses resources cURL handle is
>> used.
> Literally zero internal functions have argument type reflection
> (beyond class and array types).  curl_setopt() is not and would not be
> any different in this regard.
> https://3v4l.org/2BtPW
>> Maybe it's time to refactor and provide objects with option setters
>> with argument types?
> I do agree there.  I've got a WiP "cURLi" extention in my homedir that
> I've been poking at since ZendCon 2016.  I suppose if we don't put
> type checking in curl_setopt() then that'll just push users who care
> about type safety towards cURLi. :D
> -Sara

Way to go. This RFC is just wrong, and not _simply_ about semantics.

Richard "Fleshgrinder" Fussenegger

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