On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Rowan Collins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28 April 2017 18:54:09 BST, Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:
>>On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 9:34 AM, Markus Fischer <mar...@fischer.name>
>>> To me the intention of strict types is clearly on the functions
>>> visible contract, i.e. it's reflectable parameters and not some
>>> logic hidden inside a function.
>>So you feel that declare(strict_types=1); should never apply to
>>internal functions?
> I don't see that assertion implied in any of the objections on this thread.
It's implied by the statement of yours that I quoted. "To me the
intention of strict types is clearly on the functions publicly visible
contract, i.e. it's reflectable parameters and not some business logic
hidden inside a function."

Internal functions do not have reflectable type hints (apart from
array and object), ergo by your criteria you feel that strict types
does not apply.  Your words.

> The objection is that type checking currently only occurs at function 
> boundaries:
> their signatures are matched against provided parameters, and their return
> declarations against returned values. The entire feature is equivalent to the
> compiler injecting either casts (weak mode) or assertions (strict mode) at the
> beginning and end of function definitions, *and nowhere else*.
But that isn't how strict type enforcement works in internal
functions.  I realize I'm being pedantic here, but since the objection
is on semantics grounds, I feel I must apply the same standards of
semantics to the counter argument.

The state of the PR at the moment is to apply function-entrance
criteria to arguments, the only thing which makes it (somewhat)
special is the degree of deferment from the C function entry till the
types are checked.  I say "somewhat", because it is not unique in this
regard, many internal functions apply varying signatures based on
initial argument and/or number of arguments.  See pg_*() functions for
my favorite example of this, though there are several examples in
standard as well.

> This RFC introduces a check at a different point in the function:
> after the parameters have been examined, based not on the
> signature of the function, but an internal set of rules.
Repeat; See above, this is not unique.

> Notably, this is not a type of check that could be made in a userland 
> function -
> or, rather, it would have to be made unconditionally, since the strict_types 
> setting
> is explicitly invisible to the callee.
Agreed, but userland and internal functions are not created equal and
this behavior is still not without precedent.

> So, while I agree that checking the argument types for curl_setopt() is 
> highly desirable,
> I am sympathetic to the argument that strict_types should not alter those 
> checks.
We disagree.

> That leaves us with either checking the types unconditionally (a 
> significantly breaking change)
> or introducing a new, type-safe, API.
It also leaves us with the third option of what is presented by the
PR.  You do not have absolute veto.

> That could mean a small but awkward set of type overloads
> (setBool, setInt, etc), or a large set of named setters
> (setReturnTransfer, setHeaders, etc) which could use
> normal parameter hinting to interact with strict_types.
Eww. Eww. And eew.

I reject the idea of making a worse API for the sake of an artificial
purity standard which has long since been violated elsewhere.

> As I mentioned, I think the entire PHP curl API is unnecessarily complicated
> to use, and the overloading of parameter types in curl_setopt actually
> contributes to this rather than simplifying anything.
I agree that the overloading of the curl_setopt() function is the
cause of a problem.  I just disagree that allowing opt-in validation
of those types fails to solve it.


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