
thanks to all for taking the time to think about it and give your opinion.

It seems that we may gather a consensus on the concept, as most of us seem to agree about the benefits a mechanism like PCS can bring to the core development process in general.

It also appears that PCS is not ready for an official release yet. Among others, we need to refine the way PHP code is loaded and registered.

So, here is what I'm proposing :

- Keep enriching the discussion during about 2 weeks. Please give examples of core extensions that, in your opinion, are susceptible to be partially or fully converted to PHP. Suggestions to complement existing core extensions (like an additional curl OO layer) are welcome too. Please tell us if a PHP implementation of these features already exists somewhere. I would be especially interested by a PHP implementation of the PDO generic layer...

- Then, I'll write an RFC summarizing the discussion. The RFC will list blocking and non-blocking issues, as well as an indicative timeline. Target for an initial release will be 7.3. It should leave enough time to solve blocking issues and start converting some existing code to PHP.

- This RFC will then be voted upon. The vote will just ensure we agree on the concept and the objectives. It won't authorize the final merge in advance. This will be validated by another vote when the implementation to release is ready. The objective is to avoid restarting the whole discussion when we're ready for a release.



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