Am 06.06.2017 um 18:49 schrieb François Laupretre:
Le 06/06/2017 à 17:19, a écrit :
where will this php scripts stored - how do they deal with openbasedir - do you need to place their location in openbasedir while you normally avoid to add anything oustide your application there - and so on

Your question proves you didn't even take the time to read the 'Introduction to PCS' document ( before starting to complain. Please read it first and you will understand that the PHP scripts we are talking about would be embedded into the extension shared library file and transparently loaded when needed. composer is also out of scope here

the point is that people should stop talking about composer in every context like a holy grail because it has *no place* for proper systems management and i was not the one calling composer first in this thread

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