On 14 September 2017 10:23:48 BST, Tony Marston
>Would this problem disappear by using UTF8 instead of the Turkish
>set? If so then ten no other solution would be required.

No, the problem has nothing to do with character sets, but with the actual 
alphabet that humans in Turkey use, which doesn't follow the same rules as the 
alphabet that American humans use.

Unicode (the standard, not the character set or any of its encodings) has an 
algorithm / lookup table for "case folding", because "convert everything to 
lower case" is not a reliable way to produce case insensitive comparisons. 
Using that correctly world presumably solve this particular problem.

The bottom line is that case sensitive comparisons are easier than case 
insensitive ones. 

Early programming languages and OSes just ignored the edge cases (or ignored 
the existence of the world outside the USA altogether), some later ones decided 
the whole thing wasn't worth the effort.


Rowan Collins

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