On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 02:36:27PM +0100, Tony Marston wrote:
> ""Christoph M. Becker""  wrote in message
> news:98ab178e-b999-7e36-5ff5-7b8c28fe0...@gmx.de...
> >
> >On 14.09.2017 at 14:59, Tony Marston wrote:
> >
> >>Introducing case sensitivity into what is mostly a case-insensitive
> >>world just for the convenience of a few programmers I do not consider to
> >>be acceptable. It would cause more problems for far more people than the
> >>insignificant few who insist on using obscure character sets. Why should
> >>the English-speaking world be forced to suffer just because some minor
> >>languages cannot handle case folding?
> >
> >This is not about an "insignificant few who insist on using obscure
> >character sets", but rather about a language spoken by millions of
> >people which has to "I" characters, namely dotted and dotless "I".
> >Rather consistently, the dotless "I"'s lower-case variant is "i", and
> >the dotted "I"'s lower-case variant is "i".  There you go.
> >
> The number of people in the world who use character sets which do
> not have this problem far outnumber those who use character sets
> which do have this problem. People without this problem far
> outnumber the others, so it would not be a good idea to
> inconvenience the many just to satisfy the few.

Translation: I do not use these character sets, those who do are not important.

PHP (& File systems) are best staying away from things like that. Not attempting
case folding, and similar, makes it simpler, faster & more robust (not worrying
about what sort of 'i' to convert to). It only helps those who do not know what
the SHIFT key is for.

Alain Williams
Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT 
+44 (0) 787 668 0256  http://www.phcomp.co.uk/
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