"Alain Williams" wrote in message news:20170914134603.gs8...@phcomp.co.uk...

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 02:36:27PM +0100, Tony Marston wrote:
""Christoph M. Becker""  wrote in message
>On 14.09.2017 at 14:59, Tony Marston wrote:
>>Introducing case sensitivity into what is mostly a case-insensitive
>>world just for the convenience of a few programmers I do not consider >>to >>be acceptable. It would cause more problems for far more people than >>the >>insignificant few who insist on using obscure character sets. Why >>should
>>the English-speaking world be forced to suffer just because some minor
>>languages cannot handle case folding?
>This is not about an "insignificant few who insist on using obscure
>character sets", but rather about a language spoken by millions of
>people which has to "I" characters, namely dotted and dotless "I".
>Rather consistently, the dotless "I"'s lower-case variant is "i", and
>the dotted "I"'s lower-case variant is "i".  There you go.

The number of people in the world who use character sets which do
not have this problem far outnumber those who use character sets
which do have this problem. People without this problem far
outnumber the others, so it would not be a good idea to
inconvenience the many just to satisfy the few.

Translation: I do not use these character sets, those who do are not important.

Incorrect. The proper question is: How any character sets have this problem? What percentage of the world's computer users are affected by this problem? If this number is quite small then it would be wrong to make the majority suffer just because you don't know how to fix the problem that affects the minority.

PHP (& File systems) are best staying away from things like that.

Microsoft produces case insensitive software, including file systems, because that is what users are used to. Unix was invented in a laboratory by academics who couldn't develop case insensitive software so they called it a "feature" and not a "bug".

Not attempting
case folding, and similar, makes it simpler, faster & more robust (not worrying about what sort of 'i' to convert to). It only helps those who do not know what
the SHIFT key is for.

Why is it not possible to identify a single upper and lower case variant for every character in every character set?

Tony Marston

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