
> On Jun 23, 2018, at 6:38 PM, Alice Wonder <al...@librelamp.com> wrote:
>> On 06/23/2018 03:11 PM, Zeev Suraski wrote:
>> This is slightly earlier than I intended to bring it up but I do too think 
>> that the next version beyond 7.3 should be 8.
> I disagree.
> I'm mostly a user, not a PHP developer.
> RHEL 7.5, the latest version of RHEL, still ships 5.4.

RHEL has official software collections for PHP 7.0 and 7.1. Remi has an SCL for 
7.2. We run 7.2 in production and 5.6 is gone in December. 5.4.16 in RHEL 
was... a mistake. There is nothing “un-enterprise” about the SCLs and they work 
very well. 

RHEL 8 is coming soon and is based on Fedora 28. It will likely ship 7.2, I 

> Other LTS distributions also probably ship 5.x.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS shipped with PHP 7.0. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ships with PHP 7.2. PHP 
5.* was a great line but it has been time to move for a while. It’s getting 
harder to come up with reasoning to stay. I haven’t come across a codebase that 
didn’t run on 7+ and this includes a 16 year old codebase that started on PHP 
4. It’s an anecdote, but proof that anything is possible. 

> So a major version bump now would mean three major versions of PHP that web 
> applications intended to "just work" on enterprise *nix would have to support.

For sure, this is the distribution’s choice, not the maintainers here. 

> If there was a major design flaw in PHP that can only truly be fixed by an 
> incompatible version bump past 7 then do it but otherwise, I think it would 
> be better to wait until the most recent versions of enterprise distributions 
> have moved to php 7.
> I'm hoping RHEL 8 does, the benefits are tremendous of 7 over 6.x, but...
> The issue is some customers of enterprise linux specifically don't want 
> frankenstein systems and want to use vendor supported packages only, and I 
> can see their point of view because they pay a lot of money for that support.
> That being said, I try to get everyone running old PHP up to 7.1 or 7.2 even 
> if it means frankenstein systems. But some think the benefit of enterprise 
> vendor support outweighs the improvements in PHP.

I have Puppet to manage LAMP using httpd24 and php72 on RHEL if you’re 
interested. Once it is in config management, it’s not “Frankenstein” anymore. 
And if folks complain about “Frankenstein” systems when their definition of 
such is using software collections, I would argue their not getting value out 
of the product provided by RedHat, as SCL versions of PHP are provided by the 
vendor! Use them!

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