On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 8:40 PM Chase Peeler <chasepee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1.) Old code breaks during minor updates. We upgraded to 7.0 AFTER 7.1 was
> released, because we had already made major updates to upgrade to 7.0, and
> 7.1 introduced a few things that would have broken our code - we didn't
> have time to fix those by that point. "Throw on passing too few function
> arguments" would actually break more stuff in our legacy code than all of
> the 7.0 changes combined.

I agree.  It was a bad decision on our part to do it in 7.1 - this bit a
lot of users.

> Finally, I personally see the idea of a deprecation only release to be kind
> of silly. I don't work for a software company. It's tough enough for me to
> make a case for upgrading using the "increase performance" and "new
> features" argument. There is no way I'd get the go-ahead to do an upgrade
> that would just make additional features deprecated. It would be a better
> use of my time to look for and fix the deprecated features as part of the
> 8.0 upgrade prep, than to upgrade to 7.4. Maybe look at at backporting some
> of the new 8.0 features that aren't really dependent on the major things
> like JIT, async, etc., as part of the 7.4 release.
> Fair enough, and I think there'll likely be a lot of folks that would see
no point in going through such a 7.4.  However, I think that folks working
in more agile companies, or even developers that want to get a head start
on preparing for 8.0 - will find value in such a release.  TBH, the vast
majority of users don't upgrade to our minor versions even when they bring
new features and capabilities.


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