Le mar. 10 juil. 2018 à 14:56, Zeev Suraski <vsura...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 2:06 PM Pedro Magalhães <m...@pmmaga.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 11:33 AM Zeev Suraski <vsura...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I've also given several examples - some of them arguably quite bigger
>>> than
>>> this proposal - where we sat on code for a very long time (multiple years
>>> even) in order for it to be included in a major version, and not a minor
>>> one (phpng, JIT, FFI) even though technically they could go into the next
>>> available minor.
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to understand this argument better but there is something I'm
>> missing. Why would a feature like JIT (which would be transparent to the
>> user AFAIK) need to wait for a major other than marketing reasons?
>> Sorry in advance for the slightly off-topic question.
> Major versions are in many respects "marketing" events.  They're an
> indicator that big changes have happened in the language, big enough to
> warrant a change in the major version.
> It's a relatively recent evolution that we decided to only make it
> possible to break compatibility in major versions (and it's a very positive
> evolution, without a doubt), but either way - compatibility breakage has
> never been the motivating factor behind a major release.  Major releases
> enable compatibility breakage, not the other way around.
> Major features have always gone into major releases (with one notable
> exception - PHP 5.3, which many argue was a de-facto major release).
> While 'marketing' always played a role in designating a certain version as
> major - getting people more motivated to upgrade, bring positive vibes and
> attention around the language, etc. (as was the case with 7.0) - since the
> formal release process and the policy change to only allow compatibility
> breakage in major versions - these compatibility breakages actually, to a
> large degree, 'piggyback' on the major new features.  To make it more real
> - what would the migration to PHP 7 look like if it was all about the
> compatibility breakages, and not the performance boosts or for that matter
> - scalar type hints?  Both of these (performance boosts and scalar type
> hints) could easily go into 5.7 from a purely technical perspective.
> Zeev

Just to clarify my previous statement: marketing is a good reason to bump a
major version. Doing so creates momentum after the release and motivation

I just don't agree that typed properties are part of that. They are a
really natural and important feature, but not one that will allow anyone to
do anything new that wasn't possible before.
JIT and/or async are game changers. They don't play in the same category to
Others might disagree of course, and I don't want to minimize their
importance nor the work of Nikita and Bob. Kudos to them actually.



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