Hello Internals ! As @official_php suggested [1], I'm here to propose a new website for the PHP Project.
In my opinion, current design looks old, outdated and bland. This sadly may reflect "badly" on the language reputation nowadays. New comers find it hard to go around the website, to write "comments", report issues or write RFCs. Even signing up for the internals mailing list wasn't an easy task [2]. Since the development of PHP 8.0 has started, I think its a good idea to start working on a new website. # Global proposal The proposal here is to do a major rewrite of the PHP sites. This rewrite would includes php.net, windows.php.net, bug.php.net, wiki.php.net, qa.php.net and other official php websites. It would be done with this in mind: * No PHP framework (to avoid favoriting one) * Keep it simple: little to no changes to the database structures * This site should look modern, simple and feel welcoming. * A new home page, not a "news" page, but a page simply showing the PHP Logo, a code example maybe and the download link [3]. * A new community website [4], it can be a place for people to ask questions and discuss php in general - no one uses IRC anymore. * Single account: Users should be able to use the same community account to file bugs, create a new RFC (depending on karma) and leave notes on the documentation. * Ideally all *.php.net websites would be "merged" into a single brand new website, but I'm not sure about the hosting specificities (eg, what server does what). # FrontEnd Framework We don't need that too, but we can use one ! there's some light-weight options out there. but i'm pretty sure some people in the php community have experience with front-end development and will happily contribute. see : - https://mustard-ui.com/ - https://getuikit.com/ - https://bulma.io/ - https://picturepan2.github.io/spectre/index.html # Next steps I would really like to hear opinions about this proposal. [1] https://twitter.com/official_php/status/1091903415377108994 [2] https://twitter.com/SaraMG/status/1092185205572542466 [3] https://camo.githubusercontent.com/762e5d9fcaaa4ecf645343350a91929f99f452e9/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f584477675261662e706e67 [4] https://php.net/community --- Saif Eddin Gmati <https://azjezz.github.io>