
I could nitpick on most of the proposed plan, but I really only wanted
to reply to this:

> > * A new home page, not a "news" page, but a page simply showing the PHP 
> > Logo, a code example maybe and
> > the download link [3].
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > [3] 
> > https://camo.githubusercontent.com/762e5d9fcaaa4ecf645343350a91929f99f452e9/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f584477675261662e706e67

I just hate those useless landing pages.

Yes, it looks neat and clean, but after the initial "OMG so pretty"
phase it just becomes annoying - noone cares about the code example
and I for one never know what "Get Started" means. PHP isn't some
consumer desktop software; nobody would just stumble upon php.net and
"get started" with it, whatever that means ...

I'm all for a modern look and all, but let's please keep the news on
the index page. Personally, I only go to php.net to look for the news,
changelogs and to search the docs. This image suggests that I'd need
to do an extra click for each of those things and I'm sure I wouldn't
be the only one unhappy about that.


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