Den 2019-04-24 kl. 23:35, skrev Andrey Andreev:

I personally am not happy with the outcome of the vote. I think
there's no practical benefit to be gained from the proposal and I
don't even understand what has urged the author to make it; I voted No
on both questions.

However, what's done is done and these post-vote protests are getting
ridiculous. Where were you all during discussion and even during the
voting period? I only remember a single person's rant here and barely
any comments on social media about it ... The people who voted Yes may
have weak arguments ("there's tools out there" isn't a good argument
in my book), they may've underestimated the impact of the change or
they may not even care about it. But they cared enough to drop by and
make their views count, while almost nobody cared enough to come here
and say this isn't right. We don't get to force-reverse a decision
that we didn't care enough for when it mattered.

You are absolutely right! The only excuse for myself during the discussion etc was that I thought it never would pass, so I "slept"... One thing to consider though is if the BC break together with other features is big enough to justify
extended support for 7.4?

r//Björn L

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