Hi Kalle,

On 02.05.2019 at 15:35, Kalle Sommer Nielsen wrote:

> Den tor. 2. maj 2019 kl. 14.56 skrev Christoph M. Becker <cmbecke...@gmx.de>:
>> A problem is that the ext/pdo_firebird tests rely on ext/interbase to
>> create a test database[1], which would require everybody who intends to
>> run these tests to install PECL/interbase package now.  It would be
>> great if somebody would rewrite this, so interbase would no longer be a
>> dependency of the pdo_firebird tests.
>> [1] <https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/PHP-7.4/ext/pdo_firebird/tests
>> /testdb.inc>
> Yeah that is one thing that is kind of unfortunate and a bad practice.
> However since interbase was disabled for AppVeyor, these tests had no
> chance to run in a while. Looking at the actual code in testdb.inc, it
> seems like it creates the database for testing purposes, I would
> suppose this is due to PDO_Firebird perhaps requiring a database to
> continue its connection flow in PDO itself.

Indeed, it seems that pdo_firebird requires to connect to an existing
database, contrary to e.g. pdo_mysql which supports DSN like
`mysql:host=localhost`, to my knowledge.  But even if pdo_firebird has
been connected to an existing database, it appears that it's not
possible to create a new database via PDO (I got something like "prepare
does not support CREATE DATABASE", even with emulated prepares turned on).

> I'm not sure how we can go about this, maybe a .sql file for testers
> who run the test suite for schemas and then see if we can integrate
> some auto importer in our CI build scripts for this special case? (In
> the case we cannot go around PDO). Either way the test files requires
> a manual touch to configure credentials to run.
> I'm personally fine with the simple solution, thoughts?

ACK.  Given that these test did not run on our CI (pdo_firebird is not
even built on Travis) anyway, I think a simple solution which allows
someone who wants to run the tests after some manual setup is sufficient
as a first step.  We always could improve on that later.

> (ps. Thanks for the fix for the AppVeyor part I missed)

No problemo! :)

Christoph M. Becker

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