On 04.05.2019 at 10:56, Christoph M. Becker wrote:

> I have submitted PR #4112 to bring back the common PDO tests, which are
> the majority of existing tests for pdo_firebird.  Three tests are
> failing (which should be investigated), but these tests already failed
> in PHP-7.3 and maybe before.

I had a closer look at the tests failing with Firebird (x64):

bug_69356.phpt fails because FB doesn't support `SELECT expr;` queries;
apparently, a FROM clause would be required.

bug_71447.phpt fails because there are issues regarding comments with a
single quote.

bug_73234.phpt fails because FB doesn't support defining explicit
nullable columns, i.e.


is unsupported.  Removing the NULL let's the test proceed, but binding a
zero as PDO::PARAM_NULL apparently inserts `string(1) "0"` which looks
like a bug in the driver.

Christoph M. Becker

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