On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 2:54 PM Zeev Suraski <z...@php.net> wrote:

> It's available here:  https://wiki.php.net/pplusplus/faq
It's possible I missed something while on holiday. There are certainly a
lot of messages to page through.  I dig the idea of resolving this
tug-of-war between progress and BC, but I'm not 100% clear on what the
final goals are.  I understand that we're talking about more aggressively
breaking BC in this new mode while preserving BC in "normal" PHP files, but
I think it would help the conversation if we enumerated specific aims.

Some guesses on what we're talking about:

1. Short open tags.  This is probably the ugliest nut to crack since it
can't even be guarded on a declare directive.  Adding a new open tag
doesn't really fix that though, it just changes the specific shape of the
problem.  Unless you add an INI for disabling PHP mode.

2. Strict(er) typing - I'm not sure, on the surface, what future expansions
we'd plan for in this area which couldn't fit into standard PHP in a non
BC-breaking way.

3. Failing closed. Things like strpos() being able to return int(0) which
is a falsey value. This has been a long standing "complaint" about PHP
which isn't actually "fixable" without a big BC fail.  We've already shown
we're willing to bite this bullet for security issues

4. Argument order/Naming consistency. I have little respect for this
complaint about PHP, but perhaps this is an assumed goal?  If it is, then
the reusability of the majority of the runtime comes into question since
anything we "fix" in P++ needs to have branching and/or multiple

Am I *completely* off base?


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