On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 4:58 PM Zeev Suraski <z...@php.net> wrote:

> As Bob pointed out I'm rusty, but I do think that we can solve the short
> tags issue in this way.  At the lexer level, if we see the <?p++?> tag, we
> set short tags to off for the scope of the file before moving forward.  But
> more importantly, this approach can allow us to implement different BC
> breaking strategies (and not just for language features, but also for
> built-in functions).
> That approach did occur to me to, but as I said in my earlier reply, I
don't think this actually addresses the goals set by the short tags removal
proposal *as I understand it*.  Maybe it does, but for example one could
still not start a file with "<?xml" as at this point the parser hasn't
encountered a "<?p++" tag yet, so it doesn't know if it should disable the
"<?" or not.


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