On Thu, 5 Sep 2019 at 22:45, Peter Kokot <peterko...@gmail.com> wrote:

> GitHub usage is inevitable.

Did you use the wrong word here, or are you saying that, of all the
hundreds of different platforms we could investigate, there is no chance
that we would end up using something other than github?

> The interface is so good with clear discussion and review options

As my previous message, and those of several other people, show, that is
far from an established consensus. The power of an e-mail list is that
different users can use different interfaces - I've yet to see a forum
suggested that I would find easier than Thunderbird's tree view. There are
certainly downsides to e-mail, and upsides to GitHub, but let's stay calm
and evaluate our options rather than jumping at the first thing we see.

Rowan Tommins

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