On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 10:10 AM Christian Schneider <cschn...@cschneid.com>

> Am 13.09.2019 um 09:41 schrieb Lester Caine <les...@lsces.uk>:
> > On 12/09/2019 23:16, Mike Schinkel wrote:
> >> Those who vote on this list will decide if breaking WordPress
> end-user's site bothers them or not.
> That's something too few people on this list seem to be aware of:
> Breaking other people's perfectly functional code because you believe in a
> different coding style is not something which should be done easily.
> > So we *DO* need an LTS version of PHP that will run perfectly functional
> websites for the next ten years while others create the next replacement
> for the likes of WordPress by moving framework functionality inside PHP ...
> I agree!
> Which means there will be additional burden on the PHP core developers as
> there will be another version to back port security fixes to for a long
> time. Also not a decision to be made lightly.

I would think that this is exactly what a company like Zend would charge
their customers for. Microsoft is doing it for free for 5.6, I imagine for
their bigger Azure customres here: https://github.com/microsoft/php-src

LTS versions should not be the responsibility of the core developers, they
are the responsibile of a legal entity with financial means that either
directly sponsors the OSS project (Ubuntu) or is downstream of the project

PHP is entirely a community project of volunteers that is already hanging
by a thread given the workload.

> While I do like democracy I also agree with Zeev that it is too easy for
> people to vote yes on a breaking change even if they didn't think it
> through.
> So if you voted yes for any change of a notice/warning to an exception
> (which will break things) please reconsider!
> Is it really worth it? And if you really think so, could we make it
> opt-in? Or at least globally opt-out-able?
> - Chris
> --
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