On 21 September 2019 12:18:20 BST, Dan Ackroyd <dan...@basereality.com> wrote:
>On Fri, 20 Sep 2019 at 19:52, Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com>
>> I think we should be making that volume easy to work with, not trying
>to reduce it as an end itself.
>As I've said elsewhere, I think having a central place for people to
>find interesting conversations/things to work on, would help direct
>people's energy for making PHP better to productive activities. Hence:

This is definitely an interesting idea, but I think it's solving a different 
problem. A notice board for finding "interesting conversations" across half a 
dozen different platforms is very different from having a central place where 
suggestions can be made, feedback given, and ultimately decisions taken.

Right now, the mailing list is officially that central place. If you think it's 
not the right tool for the job, then we need to discuss what other tools to 
replace it with. Similarly, if you think there are types of discussion which 
should be considered off-topic, we should have somewhere to send those, rather 
than putting them in the same category as abusive messages.

My concern with keeping some things on the list, but sending some elsewhere, is 
that it's not always easy to move a conversation once it's started. People will 
either try to carry it on against advice, or simply give up contributing. So if 
we're discussing moving some things off the list, then I think it makes sense 
to discuss the option of moving everything instead.


Rowan Tommins

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