On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 15:26, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> wrote:

> And no, random_int(0,0) does what it says on the tin: return a random int
> between 0 and 0.  If you call it that way, well, it's your own PEBCAK.  But
> it throws an exception if the underlying sources of entropy are not working
> for some reason, rather than returning something that can easily be
> mistaken for a valid integer.

I think the argument was that the consistent behaviour would be for
random_bytes(0) and openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(0) to return '' (i.e. a
random string which was zero bytes long). The result is just as logical,
and just as meaningless, as "a number between 0 and 0" - in both cases,
there is exactly one valid value, so every random choice returns that value.

The BC break is a separate discussion - the RFC listed some changes to
openssl_random_pseudo_bytes but not this one.

Rowan Tommins

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