On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 12:02:42PM +0000, Tuomo Valkonen wrote:
> On 2007-03-07, Joerg van den Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > but please don't blame the climate change on Xinerama. you are twisting
> > and bending your arguments in a remarkable, if not admirable way.
> If you would bother to revisit the original discussion and the 
> FAQ entry, the fact that multihead is most of the time unecological
> penis enlargement, with no real justifiable (to me) need behind 
> it, was essential to it. There are other things to consider besides
> the "comfort" of having the biggest screen (penis) in the block
> (or even the environment). Too bad most people don't seem see 
> further than that, and engage in mindless consumerism.

damn, I should really better stick with my recent resolution and keep off, but I
can't: you can say your last half-sentence again, at least (where "most people"
quite obviously does apply to only rather a few countries, "most people" in
others having quite different problems than "mindless consumerism"). the rest
remains pointless (to me, that is: and good to see this parenthesis from you,
for one, too). I don't want and don't need multi-head (or only very seldom,
when plugging in a second display to my labtop), and you are probably right that
most of the time it's only playing around, but hey: let "them" play. as long as
that keeps "them" from jetting around the whole planet for a short holiday,
that's fine with me. and sure there are niches where double head display
sometimes makes sense (e.g. tomographic imaging in medicine). anyway, it's
simply not worth the fuss to argue against it in your sub-amok fashion. the
planet sure has more pressing problems, cars not the least, and energy and
resource consumption (and their effects) in general the most important of them.
but all of them are boiling down to the fact that the ecosystem won't tolerate
much longer such a large population. which is not to say that personal
responsibility is not an issue, but then it's better to concentrate on the main
culprits (cars, travel, air conditioning, short buy/throw away cycles etc etc).

> > lucky thing, ion3 is more sensible and consistent than your
> > arguments and your general view of the state of affairs, 
> Ion3 is a patched up mess.
I was talking about the user visible side.
it does what it should, navigation/control is consistent and well designed, 
it's fast and without crashes/hangs. it's helpful. how it looks under the hood
is a different question.
> > which sound like some  of your neurotransmitters are off-balance right now. 
> Must be the lack of coffee...
> > (which then hopefully will not cause
> > pseudo-progressive comments from some kind of sociologist on crack).
> ... or maybe crack.
don't. it's already bad enough now. better try nitrous oxide (a.k.a. laughing

> > no offense meant (not really),
> -- 
> Tuomo,        -- Offense meant, always.
hey, I was hoping for getting such a response.


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