On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 08:56:39 -0000, Tuomo Valkonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2007-03-07 08:21 -0000, John Robson wrote:
I don't like xinerama therefore:
... I am not going to waste my breath supporting it.

in itself a fair excuse for not supporting it, but not a good reason to tell anyone with more than one monitor that they're stupid.

                                                So, there,
you techno-toy fetists chasing after the latest cool gizmo
and upgrading your hardware every few months

Actually I have had my current pair of monitors for 5 years - the pair I had before that are now in use at church office (pastor and secretary), having now had a useful life of around 10 years and counting*. My graphics card is about 7 years old, the rest of the machine ~4 I think (with no immediate plans to upgrade)

I don't think I count as a "techno-toy fetishist", just someone who can see more than the <1 steradian occupied by a single screen at a sensible distance in front of me**.


* Actually as I had one of them for a couple of years before the other that's proably an aggregate of 11 years - I used my old 14"CRT with the shiny 17" CRT for a good while - the 14" screen still finds itself stuck in my loft for occasional use.

** Have you read the "anti-mac" interface article (http://acm.org/cacm/AUG96/antimac.htm) - basically decrying WIMP interfaces as a regression in terms of limiting us to pointing and grunting at things we can see. I feel the same about having to wear blinkers when I'm working, why did I bother with eyes that can see a decent space in front of me?

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