Hi all!

Some week ago i read about ION window-manager at the Hungarian Unix 
Portal. Due, I'm an engineering monkey, and i really hates wasting my time 
playing with the windows locations, i 
thought the tiling wm would be a good thing for me. So, i pulled down the ION2 
from the Debian respository and give 
it a shot. 
My first thoughts: Simple, efficient and fast.
After that, i dowloaded the ION3 source, and compiled it. Well, it's a 
bit different from the Debian's ION2, but the development is clear. The Run 
menu file listing is damned fast 
comapared to the GTK+ same function.
I'm still testing it, but i can't find any bug, yet.
Also i have some ideas and thoughts, which i compiled to kind of 
whistlist. Most is not a basic wm feature, but it would be nice in a tabbed, 
tiling wm. Maybe some of these already 
developed, but spending 13 hours with the soldering iron, and 3 hours moving 
bricks every day, leaves me a small 
time to reading the documentations.

Requested features:

Policy settings for the new window creation. When i run some multyple 
window application (mplayer, gimp), it would be nice if i could set where must 
the spawned window must to be 
placed. Currently it's follows the mouse pointer. My idea is to be set a policy 
for every application (tabs) for 
the method of the new window placement.
Three or four rules (same tile, some tile, any tile, float) would be 

Auto size adjust for the fixed size applications at start. If i run some 
application like gkrellm, xmms, it would be nice, if the tile size 
automatically set, when it's start.

Switching the application to full screen mode, and back to the previous 
tile settings. Some applications like the IDEs, database managers, CADs 
requires full screen and split screen mode in the working process (for 
example: routing the PCB with the layout editor and checking the 
schematic at the same time. Usually it's a constant switching between 
the "splited" [picking and placing a part] and fullscreen mode [routing 
the part's net]) 

Mouse aided tile resize.

User experiences:
These are some ideas for applications, which increasing the user base of 
the ION. I know, these are not necessary for a successfull wm, but 
usually these tools, which is mostly affect the user feels.

GUI based configuration tool for the keybindings.

Support for alternate keybindings. The basic ION keybindings is disaster 
using with Midnight Commander or Gentoo file managers. Both of these 
heavily depends on the funtion keys. Also the most CADs heavily depends 
on the function keys.

Icon based, floating style application launcher.

Happy hacking!
Mark Balogh

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