On Oct 3, 3:23 pm, Sean Gilligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There also appear to be two versions of iui within the SVN repository:
>    * one in iui/js/iui.js   (requires prototype.js)
>    * one in iui/iui/iui.js  (doesn't require prototype.js)
> Does anyone know what the exact differences between these two are?  Are
> there any guidelines as to which one should be used in a given situation?

The non-Prototype.js library is a bit bigger (10kB vs 5kB).  The one
requiring Prototype.js also requires scriptaculous.js and effects.js,
so while you save 5kB for iUI, you need another 140k of libraries to
support it.

You might get some payback by using Prototype.js's AJAX functions,
however there are plenty very functional (and much smaller) AJAX
libraries out there.

You may be using other features of Prototype.js, but there are a
couple of known incompatibilities with mobile Safari.  Since
Prototype.js makes no claims to support mobile Safari, it is unlikely
that anything will be done in the short term to fix them.  And there
are likely quite a few that haven't been found.

I don't know what the incompatibilities of the various bits of
scriptaculous are with Mobile Safari.

Due to the above, I wouldn't use either.  It might be a worthwhile
exercise to write a minimal AJAX and effects library specifically for
mobile platforms, I've been thinking of doing that but I need a mobile
Safari platform first. :-)

Generic library functions tend to be much less efficient than those
written for a specific purpose.  That should count for quite a lot
when using a small, mobile platform that doesn't have the processing
power of a desktop.  Generic libraries also likely have thousands of
lines of unused (and possibly untested and buggy) code that you only
stumble across when you most need them to work.


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