On 10/4/07, Sean Gilligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Does  it make sense to create them, and move detailed iUI discussion off
> this list?  Is there critical mass for iUI to be a
> maintained/supported/developed open source project?  It seems as if Joe
> Hewitt has been completely swamped by his  (impressive) work at Facebook.
> Are you in touch with any of the guys on the Google code iUI site?

The last time I talked with Joe he wanted to do a significant update
to iUI, and he has said so on this list. However, as you said, he
appears to be swamped.

There has been some discussion of forking iUI at two different
conferences where I have run into other iPhoneWebDev people. I think
there is enough people using or interested in iUI to do so, but no one
wants to step on Joe's toes as we appreciate his hard work so far so
much. So to really kick it off successfully we'll probably need Joe's
blessing to do so.

-- Christopher Allen

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