In the case where L1 and L2 are site local addresses, I think B must be 
configured so that it doesn't forward site local addresses between its two 
interfaces (the behavior of B w.r.t. site local addresses wasn't specified 
in the original message).  That is, A and the left-hand interface of B are 
part of one site while C and the right-hand interface of B are part of a 
different site.

I'll ask for confirmation of this hypothesis, as thinking about site local 
addresses generally makes my head hurt.

- Ralph

At 02:50 AM 3/6/2001 -0800, Steve Deering wrote:
>At 12:25 AM -0800 3/6/01, alex r wrote:
> >Is the following a valid configuration in IPv6. The
> >addresses represented in as (L) are either all site
> >local or all link local addresses
> >
> >
> >    A(L1)---------(L2)B(L1)----------(L2)C
> >
> >B is connected to two different links / sites. The
> >addresses are unique within their respective scopes.
>Yes, that is a valid configuration.
>At 9:38 AM +0100 3/6/01, Alain Ritoux wrote:
> >But I wonder if we can push as far as :
> >    A(L1)---------(L2)B(L2)----------(L1)C
> >    the assumptions being the same.
>Yes, that one is valid too.

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