> Paul's draft won't do a thing towards allowing the address scope to
> not be a separate parameter (one way or another), which is what Alex
> was asking about I think.  In fact, if anything, it finally removes
> that possibility completely.   The only way the two could co-exist
> would be to remove the default site local (the current one) as a
> possible address completely, and to insist that all site local
> addresses be unique (not just nearly unique).   As things are, there's
> still the (strong because of the default case) possibility that
> site local addresses aren't unique in two links out of a site border
> node.

It extends bits to the left of the SLA to be used to differentiate one site
from the other and it does solve Alex's problem in a different way.  Thats
all I mean't.

> And in any case, there would be link locals to deal with.

That has nothing to do with site locals FE80 vs FEC0 is pretty easy to

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