On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
> directories.
>       Title           : Minimum IPv6 Functionality for a Cellular Host
>       Author(s)       : J. Arkko et al.
>       Filename        : draft-manyfolks-ipv6-cellular-host-02.txt
>       Pages           : 26
>       Date            : 27-Nov-01
> As an increasing number of cellular hosts are being connected to the
> Internet, IPv6 becomes necessary. Examples of such hosts are GPRS,
> UMTS, and CDMA2000 terminals. Standardization organizations are also
> making IPv6 mandatory in their newest specifications, such as the IP
> multimedia terminals specified for UMTS. However, the concept of
> IPv6 covers many aspects, numerous RFCs, a number of different
> situations, and is also partly still evolving.

The draft says:

4.1 Mobility Support in IPv6
   The basic functionality of a Correspondent Node, i.e. process the
   Home Address Option, MUST be supported by all hosts. (Note: at the
   time this Internet Draft has been written, the Home Address Option
   is defined only in the MIPv6 Internet Draft, not an RFC, and the
   security implications of the Home Address Option are being studied
   by the Mobile IP Working Group. The group is considering whether the
   option should continue to be understood by all nodes, or only those
   involved in Route Optimization functionality with a MN. Depending on
   the results of this discussion, we should either mandate the support
   of the option here for all cellular hosts, or only those capable of
   Route Optimization.)

"basic functionality of a CN" has not been defined explicitly, IMO.

The requirement that Home Address Option MUST be processed is nothing new; 
it's a requirement for every IPv6 node as currently being specified.

Therefore, the requirement here must be stated more clearly.  One could
gather one of the basic funtionalities of a CN would be to be able to
process incoming Binding Updates.  What's your stand on this?

Instead of saying basic functionality, say which functionality in the main

Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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