> But frankly - as someone who wants to deploy zillions of these
> devices soon - we are somewhat unsure how to proceed regarding
> this issue. Since I know you Pekka were involved in the Home Address
> Option discussion, perhaps you could comment on where do you think
> the WG goes? Will it disallow the option unless accompanied by a
> Binding Cache Entry established securely earlier? Will it throw away
> the option and start to use tunneling? Or decide that there is no
> security issue? Or perhaps we can't yet say for sure?

I'm very concerned that the current assumptions around security for
the Home Address Option is based on a poorer understanding of
security, DDoS, reflectors, etc that we (including myself as co-chair
of Mobile-IP) had a few years back.

Thus I, including with an IESG member hat on, currently think that allowing 
Home Address Options to be processed as currently described is asking
for problems and that we need better security in this area.

One *possible* solution to this is to only accept packets with a HAOpt
when there is a matching binding cache entry for the sender, but
there might be other solutions as well.
But I'd sure like to see closure around the requirements document in
the Mobile IP WG on this point.

Note that this issue is independent of how to information contained
in the HAOpt is carried - whether as a HAOpt in the Destination Options
header or as a tunneling header. But thinking of it as a form of 
(restricted) tunneling has helped me understand the security implications of


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