On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Vijay Devarapalli wrote:
> > > The requirement that Home Address Option MUST be processed is nothing new;
> > > it's a requirement for every IPv6 node as currently being specified.
> > 
> > Right, and this was what we've stated in earlier versions of the draft. A
> > note was, however, added to the latest version of our draft to indicate
> > that the Mobile IP WG is presently discussing what to do with the Home
> > Address Option and whether there are security issues in that as well
> > (as there were other security issues in the Binding Update Option).
> The above sentence needs to be put in a certain perspective. 
> I think it is wrong it say the Mobile IP WG is wholeheartedly 
> discussing this issue. It is more like that this issue has been 
> forced upon the Mobile IP WG (like certain other security issues 
> it was never meant to solve). And most people (who worked on 
> Mobile IPv6 implementations for years) dont take part in these 
> discussions either. We implementors (I can speak for a few people) 
> were quite happy with Home address option, BU option and 
> IPSec (we made it work with Mobile IPv6), until things started 
> going wrong from December 2000 IETF onwards.


Wouldn't it be nice if one would be allowed to specify insecure behaviour,
and in addition, making it a MUST implement (HAO) or a SHOULD (BU) for
every IPv6 node?  Without regard for consequences?  "Stationary nodes are 
not our problem.. they aren't mobile"?

Some might say: feel free to break MIPv6 -- it's your baby after all --
but don't break IPv6 in the process too, please.


Pekka Savola                 "Tell me of difficulties surmounted,
Netcore Oy                   not those you stumble over and fall"
Systems. Networks. Security.  -- Robert Jordan: A Crown of Swords

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